Friday, October 17, 2008

More Credit Where Credit's Due

In one of the most intelligent decisions of its eight-year run, The Bush White House today declined to include Sarah Palin in a briefing about Iraq. I think the AP put it really well:
John McCain got a call from Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was on the phone to Barack Obama, and to his Democratic running mate, Joe Biden. Nobody called Sarah Palin.

Their reasoning?
"Senator Obama is the Democratic presidential nominee and, obviously, is an important political figure in the United States," McCormack said. "(Either) one of Senator McCain or Senator Obama are going to be president come January. And so just in terms of the courtesy and protocol aspects of this and the practical aspects of this, we thought it was appropriate to make those calls."

Absolutely. I couldn't have said it better myself. Sarah Palin is not an important political figure in the United States, nor does she have any intellectual or political influence on people who are not insane. She therefore does not deserve the privileges of "courtesy and protocol" at a national scale.

It's on us to keep it that way, and ensure that she never, ever, ever holds national office.

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