Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Assorted TeaBaggings- Washington DC 9/12/2009

Here are some pictures of the signs we saw on Saturday. Keep in mind that these aren't by any means the worst the crowd had to offer- just a fairly representitive sample of the kinds of things people were really agitated about.

This guy was one of about a million to take a confused stand against mid-level advisory appointments:

Something about how bold the letters are and how simple the statement is makes the missing 'R' all the funnier:

This next person had a request I think we all had no problem complying with:

Wow, what loathesome characters can we try to rehabilitate next?

Even crazier:

Milquetoast centrism with handouts for every corporation = THE ANTI-CHRIST HIMSELF!

Well, that's the mark of a well-informed man. The sign on the right is one of my all-time favorites:

IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB, CZARS DID 9/11! Now to mix religious nutbaggery with anti-Russian Monarchist sentiment:

We ran across the street to get a picture with this fine woman, who was happy to teabag JJ and T:

Hahahaha, wow. I think the sign on the right was translated from a mujahedeen slogan:

This one gives me a lot of ideas for new signs to make:

Did you know that Obama has the magical power to abort God himself? Stop the expansion of executive power into theological abortion!

These people are really convinced that Obama is minutes away from shipping them all off to FEMA death camps using his all-black volunteer ACORN army. Also, he wants to kill old people because... something.

What, Marx would proud of the sight of thousands of people out rallying against their own damn interests, angrily protesting the mere idea of curbing corporate profits in order to save lives and increase access to health care?
Well, I'm sure these guys know what they're talking about.


  1. ahahaha Jack, I could finally read yours with these new photos. I think you win.

  2. your guys truly are geniuses for pulling this off. while i'm still glad i was nowhere within a 200 mile radius of these nutjobs while this was going on, i'm infinitely proud to know you all & be associated with this blog

  3. I agree with Jonesy, best FIELDTRIP EVER...
