Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Both Sides" of Gay Teen Suicides

Thanks, Washington Post!
Via Pam's House Blend, I learn that the Washington Post's remarkably poor decision to post Tony Perkins's falsehood laden, anti-gay screed on their On Faith blog (on National Coming Out Day nonetheless) was because they felt they needed to "cover both sides" of "bullying and gay suicide." No, really, they're serious. Apparently they hosted a Live Q & A chat with Dan Savage to discuss "bullying and gay suicide" and his "It Gets Better Project," which is a You Tube channel Savage created in order to reach out to gay youths to prevent suicide. So, to balance Savage, the Post turned to Perkins to respond. Apparently to the Post, gay suicide is a two-sided issue.

GLAAD and the Washington Post had an exchange over Twitter, in which the Post responded to criticism over publishing Perkins' column, by saying, "[W]e're working to cover both sides. Earlier, we hosted Dan Savage of It Gets Better in a live chat." GLAAD rightly replied, "There are not 'both sides' to this issue. Teen suicide isn't a debate-it's a tragedy."

Need I remind you that Perkins's argument was that gay suicide, which often is prefaced by homophobic bullying, was caused not by the bullying, but because "homosexuals experience higher rates of mental health problems in general, including depression," and that the "homosexual movement and their allies" teach kids "that they are 'born gay' and can never change. This--and not society's disapproval--may create a sense of despair that can lead to suicide."
Worst people in the world.


  1. ok, they had me at gays have more mental health stay classy post.

  2. i like dan savage's recent response to someone's complaint about coverage of bullying and the recent suicides:

    even the musical interlude is well done.

  3. am i the only one who mixes up shitty right-wing Tonys? I always think people are talking about tony snow, which then leads me to wonder if its his malevolent ghost being an asshole from beyond the grave.

  4. have any of you seen this?

    Sulu is the man. That is all.
