Thursday, January 14, 2010

First Palinpost of 2010

Brand new year, brand new decade, brand new Palin videos! This just in: she's still dazzlingly stupid.

The most recent evidence can be found in the first clip of the Beck-Palin interview to hit the net, wherein Palin is asked to name her favorite founding father. I won't give away her answer, but lets just say it's a trick we've seen from her before:

You see, if she had told Couric which newspapers she reads, Couric might have then asked why. Does she like something about some particular paper? Palin could have been forced to give some praise to a media outlet! This flies in the face of the Republican politician handbook, so the only answers left are either:

1. 'none,' which might have given pause to even her staunchest supporters.
2. 'all of them,' which still sounds pretty bad (but luckily her allies will get right to work spinning the question itself as a dastardly attack from the Extreme Leftist Media).

Ok, 'all of them' it is! So now, over a year later, Beck has the audacity to ask her about the founding fathers. Half of his show is meaningless drivel about how they're all spinning in their graves because of our Marxist Kenyan Usurper President, so she might have guessed that something like that was coming. Apparently not though, given that she defaults to her go-to answer: "All of 'em."

Here we hit a speed bump though: Beck, addled as he is (or pretends to be), knows how unspeakably dumb that sounds. "Bullcrap." Damn, shot through the heart! Well, if that won't work then who can she use? How about Washington, does he count? First president, that probably makes him a founding father. Fine, now combine with some goofy platitudes about Washington and serve! A Palin answer is born.

I'm genuinely sad that her move to Fox News seems to have revealed that she doesn't plan on running in 2012. One-term Obama will have to be fun while he lasts, I guess.


  1. This flies in the face of the Republican politician handbook, so the only answers left are either:

    1. 'none,' which might have given pause to even her staunchest supporters.
    2. 'all of them,' which still sounds pretty bad (but luckily her allies will get right to work spinning the question itself as a dastardly attack from the Extreme Leftist Media).

    I like that her supporters are so blindingly stupid that one of those options is an acceptable answer.

  2. I think you are being too hard on poor Sarah...I mean imagine being put on the spot without adequate prepping. After all being the feminist Sarah is; she probably doesn't have too much experience with the founding fathers.

    You can't expect her to know everything...she's just like us. On a side note my favorite founding father is John Adams because of his wife Abbey.

  3. My favorite founding father is Benjamin Franklin for his discovery of electricity (in the sky; who knew? it was there the whole time), creation of the first battery, and his undying love for fat chicks.
