Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Actions Speak Louder

Alan "310 million tits" Simpson keeps his job:
The Obama administration on Monday reiterated its commitment to keeping former Sen. Alan Simpson as the co-chairman of the president's deficit commission even as the Wyoming Republican has come under heavy fire for his disparaging comments on Social Security.

"Senator Simpson sent an e-mail that he's now apologized for," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters at Monday's daily briefing. "We regret that he sent that e-mail. We don't condone those comments. But Senator Simpson has and will continue to serve on the commission."
Regardless of what he may have said during the campaign, or whether you believe he's inherently a nice guy or whatever, this tells me Barack Obama is ok with cuts to Social Security.

Fucking disgraceful.


  1. The other co-chair of this committee, Erskine Bowles, compares the debt to a cancer.
    While we're dealing in metaphors, I would suggest that the wider economic crisis, unemployment, etc. could be compared to a bear (that is what they call down-trending stock markets, after all).
    So to sum it up, we have cancer and are being mauled by a bear, and the Obama administration's priority is chemotherapy.

  2. I like it. Anytime you can add a bear to an example like that you win.

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