Thursday, April 11, 2013

Stupid Fucking People

Unbelievable: (via)
“We’re not going to have the White House forever, folks. If he doesn’t do this, Paul Ryan is going to do it for us in a few years,” said a longtime Obama aide, referring to the 2012 Republican vice presidential candidate who proposed a sweeping overhaul of Medicare that would replace some benefits with vouchers.
Obama won an election for a 4 year term 6 months ago (AGAINST FUCKING PAUL RYAN), but Republicans might do something bad in the future so we should do it for them first. Dumbest people alive or just plain evil. Maybe both.


  1. When did our team become cartoon villains? Was this dude twirling his mustache?

  2. yeah... I'm kind of hoping that pretty much every senator with a "D" in front of their name is calling the white house to say something on the order of, "Hi Barack. I know you're not up for re-election anymore, but I am. So I just wanted to say that if you could stick this particular proposal up your ass and then light it on fire that would be really great. Have a nice day."

    1. Ah - for those of you in Maryland who wish to encourage this behavior:
      Ben Cardin: (202) 224-4524
      Barbara Mikulski: (202) 224-4654

      Cardin on Obama's proposal:
      "I will need to examine the details, but I have some initial reservations about the President’s plans for Social Security and Medicare reforms. I agree that reforms may be required, but we must ensure that the promises made to beneficiaries truly are truly rock-solid."

      Mikulski on chained CPI when it was proposed by the "gang of six" in 2012:
      "[P]roposals to change the cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security benefits will seriously harm America's seniors and America's middle class. …[C]uts of this magnitude mean the difference between paying for medicine or groceries and heating,"

      Cardin sounds like he's hedging, and his support of "some reforms" is discouraging. He should be reminded about the function of primaries, and the essential non-existence of the danger that putting up a more liberal candidate would loose the dems a Maryland senate seat.
      Mikulski sounds like she's on our side, but that quote is from before Obama put this in his budget. I haven't found anything more recent from her on the subject. She should be encouraged to continue criticizing this proposal, even when it comes from the president. She should also be encouraged to press Cardin into joining her.

    2. Thank you a bunch for this Jacob, I'm going to promote it to it's own post.
