You see the deal that’s becoming clear here?
Talk to smart folks in Washington, and here’s what they think will happen: The final tax deal will raise rates a bit, giving Democrats a win, but not all the way back to 39.6 percent, giving Republicans a win. That won’t raise enough revenue on its own, so it will be combined with some policy to cap tax deductions, perhaps at $25,000 or $50,000, with a substantial phase-in and an exemption for charitable contributions.
The harder question is what Republicans will get on the spending side of the deal. But even that’s not such a mystery. There will be a variety of nips and tucks to Medicare, including more cost-sharing and decreases in provider payments, and the headline Democratic concession is likely to be that the Medicare eligibility age rises from 65 to 67.
So we could get a better deal on taxes by doing absolutely nothing... and in exchange for accepting a worse deal, we get horribly stupid and incredibly damaging cuts to medicare. Kill this deal and anyone with fire. Primary anyone who supports it.
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.
ReplyDeleteIt's the only way to be sure.
The important thing is to reduce Medicare to a plain of radioactive glass